If you are to post on this forum please note:
▶ You are only allowed to post advertisements for role-play websites. The content must, of course, be appropriate.
▶ This is not for discussion on how good the role-play is or to post questions towards the user regarding their website. Only the advertisement (aka the first post) may be posted, all others will be removed.
▶ It has been noticed that users have been creating role-play websites and copying layouts or other informations exactly for their own from this/our website. We will be removing websites that are like this without further warning. Please keep these websites off of ours, the layout and other information has come from the mind of its creator(s) and we will not allow "copy-cat" forums to be posted without our permission. If you are still to advertise, in order to not be removed the forum must contain clearly visible information linking back to this website and saying that it was not your idea. We are allowed to decide what is "visible" and "viewable"
Thank you.